![12 Months Streaming Voucher - EU Server ONLY id= 12 Months Streaming Voucher - EU Server ONLY](https://cdn.freewebstore.com/resize/585712/1543354264253_12months.jpg/327/218/1/FREE%20SHIPPING?bg=FFFFFF)
Buy your Magic Sing streaming voucher now and save money!
PS! This streaming voucher only works in EUROPE!
Ordinary price 75 Euro - kr 899.- in the app.
Get instant access to international songs + new song updates!
We are happy to deliver your 1 year subcription code digitally in your e-mail. (You will not receive any envelope in the normal post!).
If you have an APPLE device, to activate visit: http://magicsing.xyz/mseucoupon and enter your voucher code together with your e-mail address. Please note that you use the same e-mail on the voucher website as used for your Magic Sing app.
If you have an ANDROID device, you can enter the code directly in the app.
Enjoy your Magic Sing with maximum experience for 1 more year!
Magic Sing Norway
PS. This streaming voucher only works in Europe, not the USA.
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![12 Months Streaming Voucher - EU Server ONLY id= 12 Months Streaming Voucher - EU Server ONLY](https://cdn.freewebstore.com/resize/585712/1543354264253_12months.jpg/327/218/1/FREE%20SHIPPING?bg=FFFFFF)